After splurging money on others for Christmas, I figured that I was somewhat entitled to splurge on things for myself. Don't judge me, that's what Christmas gift cards are for!
Here's a few of my recent acquisitions:

Top Row: Alannah Hill Goodbye Forever Cardi, Alannah Hill My Heart and Soul Top , Alannah Hill Any News Dear? Shorts, ASOS Lace Scallop Hem Shorts.
Bottom Row: ASOS Pussybow Short Sleeve Blouse, Topshop Silk Shirt, Country Road Wrap Front Crepe Pants.
Images courtesy of,, and
Today I went out shopping, but mainly for a gift for my cousin's second birthday this weekend. I'm ridiculously excited about him turning two because it means that it's safe to buy him Lego Duplo and it gives me a reason to purchase and play with it again! I bought him this basic set and am secretly looking forward to when he is at the age where I can share my Harry Potter and Star Wars themed Lego with him. Don't laugh, it's awesome!
I haven't baked anything lately because I haven't had to with all these Christmas feasts, so instead, here is what I wore today:
Alannah Hill Convince Me! Cardi, Why So Sad Top and Let's Eat Cake Skirt, Wittner Quincey Heels.
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas!